St Catherine's School Joins The Best of Friends

We are proud to announce the St Catherine's School in Waverley has just confirmed they will be implementing 'The Best of Friends' ™ program during 2016 at the Junior School.
Their enrolment sets a landmark moment for us at Quirky Kid as we continue to work incredibly hard to produce innovative and effective programs and resources that are tried, tested and loved in classrooms, clinics and lounge rooms around the globe.
About St Catherine's School
St Catherine's is the oldest independent Anglican girl's school in Australia. St Catherine's School was founded in 1856 by Mrs Jane Barker.
St Catherine's is an innovative school and are Australian leaders in positive psychology and ICT in education. The School offers many opportunities in sport, music and the arts and our staff carefully guide and support students through her studies and encourage them to find an interest they will pursue with passion.
Social and Emotional Learning
Equally with their commitment to academic results and positive psychology, St Catherine's school has demonstrated clear commitment to the Social and Emotional Learning of their students. We were impressed with the knowledge, focus, diligence and commitment the Learning Enrichment team demonstrated during our visit.
The Learning Enrichment team aims for inclusion for all girls, and Learning Enrichment programs are provided as in-class support and small group instruction. The Junior school is closely monitored from Kindergarten to Year 6 to make sure they are on track academically and with sound social and emotional skills.
About The Best of Friends and the School.
The implementation of The Best of Friends™ will take place progressively and will be closely supported by the program author and our Educational Developmental Psychologists Dr. Kimberley O'Brien.
Participants will receive a copy of the exclusive workbook developed by Quirky Kid. Facilitators and teachers will have access to a series of manuals and regular supervision as and when required.
The Best of Friend is a Social and Emotional Learning program developed by The Quirky Kid Clinic. Find our more.
Interested in offering 'The Best of Friends™' program at your school?
Currently, the program is available to a limited number of schools and organisations. The BoF program has a comprehensive implementation, evaluation and monitoring plan and we are keen to identify partners committed to SEL implementation and evaluation.
Schools can choose from a target (small group) or universal (classroom) format. We will provide all the implementation assistance required, including training, supervision and support for key staff members.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).