
make a booking

Booking is simple

Choose between our Sydney or Wollongong Clinics or, if you're based anywhere else in the world, book via Britechild®, our members-only digital clinic with extra features and lower prices.


Sydney or Wollongong

Select a clinic location. Type your child’s name when booking a consultation.
If you feel unsure, please contact us.

Medicare rebates available.
We're registered with the NDIS

Bookings subject to our terms and conditions.

Everywhere else

Britechild® is our members-only digital clinic for expert advice from Australia's leading child psychologists.  

Ask questions 24/7, book Telehealth consultations, and empower your child from anywhere in the world.

As a Member

Up to $100 discount on Telehealth consultations*

On-demand answers from expert child psychologists from The Quirky Kid Clinic

Get tailored support for up to 3 children

Invite up to 4 guests (family members, educators, healthcare professionals)

Free-Access to Monthly live workshops with our psychologists

25% discount for our online micro-learning video courses

- /mo
$310 / hour

Get help now with no waiting list and pay per consultation. No membership required

Choose any expert from  Quirky Kid and other leading clinics

Get tailored support for up to 3 children

Invite up to 4 guests (family members, educators, healthcare professionals)

Purchase our online micro-learning video courses

quirky kid

Make a booking

Booking at Quirky Kid is simple.
Chose between our Sydney or Wollongong Clinics or, if you are based anywhere else in the world, 
book via Britechild, our member's’ only digital clinic for extra features and lower prices.

sydney or WOLLONGONG

Booking is simple. Please always use your child’s name as the client.
If you feel unsure, please get in touch with us before booking. By booking, you agree to our Terms and Conditions of service.

everywhere else

Britechild® is a members-only digital clinic for exclusive access to expert advice 
from Australia's leading child psychologists.  Ask questions 24/7, book Telehealth consultations, and empower your child's success from anywhere in the world.


On-demand answers from expert child psychologists from The Quirky Kid Clinic

Get tailored support for up to 3 children

On-demand answers from expert child psychologists from The Quirky Kid Clinic

On-demand answers from expert child psychologists from The Quirky Kid Clinic

Telehealth Consultations

Book sessions for yourself or your children – without leaving BriteChild®

️Get help now with no waiting list

Choose any expert from  Quirky Kid and other leading clinics

Save $100 per session with your BriteChild® membership

Ask as many questions as you like between sessions