Power Up! @ Gymnastics Australia


Leonardo Rocker

Power Up! @ Gymnastics Australia
Power Up

Quirky Kid was invited to facilitate two sessions of Power Up! during the The Australian Youth Olympic Festival (AYOF) preparation camp for Rhythmic Gymnastics young athletes and their coaches. They are preparing for the sixth edition of the AYOF was  held from 16 - 20 January 2013, once again in Sydney. This was thee the biggest and best AYOF to that point providing an Olympic like experience for 1700 athletes from 30 nations.

The Sport Program Manager for Gymnastics Australia, Emily Rennes who commissioned the workshop, is determined to offer these young athletes with the required Performance Psychology skills required to take each one to the next level.

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We were impressed with the determination and focus of each of these young athletes during the session one of the Power Up Program held at L’Elfin Gymnastics Club which is in Sutherland during the 15/16th of December.

We're Hiring - Apply Now

Quirky Kid continues to grow, develop and evolve. As a result, we have new positions for child psychologists and a mental health clinician (Social Worker, Occupational Therapist, Mental Health Nursing or Psychologist) who shares Quirky Kid’s passion for working with children – Together, amazing things happen.

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Quirky Kid did return once again, this time to State Sport Centre in Sydney Olympic Park to complete session two of the Power Up! program.

If you could like to find out more about Power Up!, please visit our workshop page where you can download a brochure. You can give us a call on 02 9362 9297 to schedule an intro session as well.

quirky kid

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.

Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).

Power Up! @ Gymnastics Australia
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