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Power Up! @ Football United


Leonardo Rocker

Power Up! @ Football United
Power Up

Not so long ago, we launched the Power Up program during the Football United Camp. The Quirky Kid Team was honoured to be part of this event and to share with participants our new program.

The video below shows a bit more of the event and the activities we completed.

Participants eagerly completed a range of paper-based and activity-based exercises to explore the key principles of performance psychology, like goal setting, imagery, self-talk, etc. Our team, including Psychologist Belinda Jones, Psychologist Kimberley O’Brien, Social Developer Leonardo Rocker all completed multiple activities with individual groups.

Soon you will also have the opportunity to listen to inspiring stories by young people we interviewed during the event, so stay tuned!

As you may already know, Football United has recently released research demonstrating the positive personal, social and community benefits of participating in regular training, leadership opportunities and educational opportunities with Football United. The report was presented by UNSW Chancellor, Mr. David Gonski AC. The research was undertaken by Sally Nathan, Anne Bunde-Birouste, Lynn Kemp, Clifton Evers, Julie McKenzie and Tun Shwe.

The Football United team sent us a big thank you certificate - thank you guys - Quirky Kid is thrilled to have had the opportunity to play a small part.


quirky kid

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.

Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).

Power Up! @ Football United
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