Power Up! @ Ed. and Dev. Conference 2012
Updated: Conference details, pictures, and link to the article.Come and join Quirky Kid and Psychologist Belinda Jones, at the 2012 Educational and Developmental Psychology Conference for a great preview our new program Power Up! Yes, we are thrilled that our program was accepted as a paper presentation for the 2012 conference.
Last year, we were again rewarded with Kimberley's presentation during the 2011 conference. This makes us proud as we are keen to contribute with the Educational and Developmental field with innovative tools and resources.
Below you can enjoy the abstract of the presentation. Belinda Jones, Psychologist, and Author as well as Quirky Kid's Director, Leonardo Rocker will be available after the presentation to answer questions and comments.
You can now view the slides we presented during the conference below. For your convenience, we have also created a pdf of the Article.
We were welcomed by a fantastic crowd during the conference. Belinda presented the many aspects of performance psychology for your people, drawing on great examples relating to achieving peak performance. We enjoyed answering questions from other delegates at the ACER stand.
The best news has come from Gymnastic Australia that has now confirmed Power Up as their program of choice for young performers. We will provide more information about this great development soon.
If you have any questions about Power Up! please contact us on 02 9362 9297 to arrange a demonstration.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).