Power Up! @ Illawarra Grammar
During two days next week, 10 young athletes from Illawarra Grammar School in Wollongong will be lucky to participate in the Power Up workshop by The Quirky Kid Clinic.
This activity-based workshop is designed for children and young people training and competing at club, regional, state and national level in their chosen sports, academic pursuits or the performing arts. The workshop explores an abundance of psychological skills and techniques practiced by Olympians, academics, prima ballerinas and musical soloists in order to compete at their very best. The workshop has been developed by psychologist Belinda Jones and incorporates her experience working with athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport.
Belinda Jones, a Quirky Kid Child Psychologist, will facilitate the workshop with the support from school staff!
The Power Up! is also offered in the clinical setting. Visit our workshop page to find out the next date. If you would like to arrange a workshop for high-performing students at your school, please contact us on 02 93 62 9297.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).