Moranbah State High School joins The Best of Friends®

We are excited to welcome Moranbah State High School to the The Best of Friends® program community. Moranbah State school is located in Queensland.& ;
The Best of Friends® is a multi-award winning Social and Emotional Learning program developed by The Quirky Kid Clinic, and is now used by many schools and agencies around.
About Moranbah State High School.
Moranbah State High School is located in the heart of Queensland’s coal mining industry. They offer a vibrant, innovative and inclusive learning community for all students. Their practices are based around a philosophy to ensure “every student, in every classroom, is learning, achieving and valued. The school strives to provide a school community built on professionalism, continuous improvement and accountability, with a key focus on the mental health of all students as a key for school success.
Moranbah State High School has a commitment to Social and Emotional Learning demonstrated through the positive, respectful and supportive learning approaches throughout the school, striving to achieve a high standard of mental health development and behavioural skills development. We were impressed with their passion and commitment and are looking forward to working with their team to deliver their first program to sixteen students during Term 3.
How The Best of Friends® program will be implemented at Moranbah State High School
The first 10-week group of The Best of Friends® program will take place in Term 3 2020 and will be closely supported by our team of facilitators. Each participant receives a copy of the exclusive workbook developed by Quirky Kid, while facilitators and parents have access to an extensive range of information, manuals and regular supervision as required.& ;
To ensure adequate evaluation, each individual child and group complete pre- and post- psychometric testing of their social and emotional skills to measure the outcome of the intervention. Evaluation and monitoring is an important component of The Best of Friends® program.
We look forward to working closely with Moranbah State High School!& ;
Interested in offering The Best of Friends® program at your school?
Contact us or visit the program website to find out more about The Best of Friends® program, and how it can help you meet the needs of your students or clients.
Moranbah State High School is one of many other schools/clinics offering our programs around Australia. Our Social and Emotional programs are a cost-effective and evidence-based intervention which improves children’s social and emotional wellbeing.& ;
The program has a comprehensive implementation, evaluation and monitoring plan, and we are keen to identify partners equally committed to Social and Emotional Learning.
We continue to work incredibly hard to produce innovative programs and resources that are tried, tested and loved in classrooms, clinics and lounge rooms around the globe.

Start now and implement a Quirky Kid Program at your school or clinic.
Our programs includes an interactive workbooks and concise set of engaging award-winning materials to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL).